He is an ethical, a creative thinker with vision and empathic nature and pursues his passions with purpose and intention.
Amit Jain
Co-founder & Managing Director
Engineer by education. He is the key stone for the company. His ability to create strong relationships with investors and potential partners and convert them into sustainable client provided a strong, stable foundation on which a company can be built.
Ajay Jain
Former Co-founder & member of board of directors
Core People:
She is mother of two children,an inquisitive person and intellectually curious. She carries "let's try" and always positive attitude with the sense of responsibility.
Rina Jain
Business Development Officer
He has the ability to adapt to various technologies and research new concepts. He holds pro-active attitude and do what it takes to get the job done.
Hemant Agrawal
Project Manager - Web
She is visionary and disciplined, Innovative, inspiring Confident and Knowledgeable.She is versatile and has Strong understanding of technologies.
Khushboo Jain
Project Manager – Mobile Apps
At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.