Welcome to Offbeat Infotech
Mobile App Development, Custom Website Design, Web Hosting & Social Media ManagementMobile App Development, Custom Website Design, Web Hosting & Social Media ManagementMobile App Development, Custom Website Design, Web Hosting & Social Media Management
+49-1514-5169750 (GERMANY)
Indore - 452016 (M.P.) India

Ajay Jain

Ajay Jain

Former Co-founder & member of board of directors
  • ajayjain@offbeatinfotech.com
  • +91 94253-53436
  • 167, Goyal Vihar, Behind Khajrana Ganesh Temple, Indore - 452016 (M.P.) India

Engineer by education. He is the key stone for the company. His ability to create strong relationships with investors and potential partners and convert them into sustainable client provided a strong, stable foundation on which a company can be built.   

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)