Welcome to Offbeat Infotech
Mobile App Development, Custom Website Design, Web Hosting & Social Media ManagementMobile App Development, Custom Website Design, Web Hosting & Social Media ManagementMobile App Development, Custom Website Design, Web Hosting & Social Media Management
+49-1514-5169750 (GERMANY)
Indore - 452016 (M.P.) India

Web Hosting

Weather you need a Shared Hosting, VPS, Dedicated Server or Cloud Hosting for your small business or big enterprise, OFFBEAT INFOTECH suggest the best hosting services at lowest price, and manages all hosting services to fulfil all your server needs.

Offbeat Infotech has tied up with many Indian and International hosting companies to provide outstanding technical support considering speed, security, support and scalability at prior.

Our Technical capability

Our Windows/Linux Web Hosting packages are supported by high performance branded Intel-based servers running on Windows 2016 Server/ CentOS operating system with MS SQL 2014 and MySQL 5 databases.

Our servers are equipped with the latest release of the industry leading control panel Plesk&Cpanel to help you to manage your website with ease.

Benefits of ourweb hosting services:
24/7 Support
99.95% uptime
Dedicated bandwidth
Committed resources
SSL support
Easy Control Panel
Free Instant Set-Up
Free Site Transfer
Easy up gradation of hosting plan
Secured and timely backups
No Hidden Fees
Flexible billing

Please contact our sales department at sales@offbeatinfotech.com or call +91 8770609063 and it will be our pleasure to do a quote for your needs.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)