Welcome to Offbeat Infotech
Mobile App Development, Custom Website Design, Web Hosting & Social Media ManagementMobile App Development, Custom Website Design, Web Hosting & Social Media ManagementMobile App Development, Custom Website Design, Web Hosting & Social Media Management
+49-1514-5169750 (GERMANY)
Indore - 452016 (M.P.) India

Rina Jain

Rina Jain

Business Development Officer
  • rinajain@offbeatinfotech.com
  • +91 731 4066092
  • 167, Goyal Vihar, Behind Khajrana Ganesh Temple, Indore - 452016 (M.P.) India

Masters in Computer Management by education.

She is mother of two children,an inquisitive person and intellectually curious. She carries “let’s try” and always positive attitude with the sense of responsibility.

Experience: Worked as teacher, IT consultant for Government Department, Freelance Software Developer, and Content Writer.

Field of interest: She loves to play Table tennis, doing gardening and being surrounded by nature.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)