Welcome to Offbeat Infotech
Mobile App Development, Custom Website Design, Web Hosting & Social Media ManagementMobile App Development, Custom Website Design, Web Hosting & Social Media ManagementMobile App Development, Custom Website Design, Web Hosting & Social Media Management
+49-1514-5169750 (GERMANY)
Indore - 452016 (M.P.) India

Amit Jain

Amit Jain

Co-founder & Managing Director
  • amitjain@offbeatinfotech.com
  • +91 98932-02231
  • 167, Goyal Vihar, Behind Khajrana Ganesh Temple, Indore - 452016 (M.P.) India

Engineer by education.

He is an ethical, a creative thinker with vision and empathic nature and pursues his passions with purpose and intention.

His philosophy is ‘Do what you love’.

Values: He values kindness, cooperation, and adventure and loves to take risk in the hope of a favourable outcome.

Vision and Mission: He started Offbeat Infotech visualizing an organisation, where he can pursue his dreams and also wins the trust of customers and makes a remarkable prestige in the society.

Passion: Mountaineering, cycling and running. He Said, “I feel contented when I found myself surrounded by mountains.  Mountains teach me to be grateful for everything in life, big or small.”

Admiration: He acclaims people who are determined, manoeuvring around obstacles and creating new paths. They don’t give up, and that is why they succeed.

Achievements:Expeditions,participation in marathons, cycling events.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)